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Dealing with Earwax and Hearing Aid Problems: Best Practices for Clean Ears

Hands clean a hearing aid.

Earwax: your ears’ natural superhero, defending against dirt and debris. But for hearing aid users, this sticky substance can quickly become a nemesis. Keeping your ears and hearing aids clean doesn’t have to feel like a battle. With the right tools and tips, you can avoid hearing aid problems – as well as hearing problems. Let’s dive into the sticky (pun intended) world of earwax and hearing aid care!

The Role of Earwax: Your Ears’ Unsung Hero

Earwax, or cerumen, isn’t just an annoyance—it’s your ears’ way of saying, “I got this!” Here’s what it does:

  • Traps debris: Think of it as your ear’s personal lint roller.
  • Keeps things moist: Dry ears are cranky ears, so earwax keeps the peace.
  • Fights infections: It’s like a germ-fighting ninja in your ear canal.

For hearing aid users, however, this superhero can turn rogue. When earwax blocks sound, damages components, or causes feedback, it’s time to step in.

How Earwax Impacts Hearing Aids

Hearing aids and earwax have a complicated relationship. On one hand, earwax protects your ears; on the other, it loves to sabotage your hearing aids. Here’s how:

  1. Sound blockers: Wax clogs vents and receivers, muffling sound.
  2. Device destroyer: Acids in wax can corrode hearing aid components.
  3. Feedback frenzy: Wax build-up causes that high-pitched whistling nobody loves.
  4. Cleanliness disruptor: Hearing aids block wax from exiting naturally, creating a build-up cycle.

Luckily, with the right care, you can keep these issues at bay.

Best Practices for Ear Hygiene

Maintaining clean ears is a delicate balance. Overdo it, and you risk irritation or even more wax production. Underdo it, and, well, let’s just say things can get messy. Here’s how to get it just right:

A red x covers a jar of cotton swabs.

The Golden Rules of Ear Hygiene

  1. Resist the Cotton Swab Temptation
    Ever poked a cotton swab in your ear and thought, “This feels right”? Stop. Swabs push wax deeper, causing blockages that make hearing aids cry for help.
  2. Stick to the Surface
    Use a damp washcloth to clean the outer ear. That’s right—the outer ear. The inside is a no-go zone unless you’re a trained professional or have magical ear-cleaning powers.
  3. Embrace the Power of Ear Drops
    If wax build-up feels more like construction scaffolding in your ear, ear drops can help. But before you go DIY, consult your doctor. They know what’s best.
  4. Let Gravity Work for You
    Earwax naturally moves out of the ear canal. Sometimes, it just needs a little patience (and maybe a gentle nudge with a washcloth).
  5. When in Doubt, Call a Pro
    Persistent wax buildup? Don’t start your own ear-cleaning business at home. Visit your primary care provider for professional wax removal. Wax buildup can contribute to hearing loss.

Learn more about mixed hearing loss

What Not to Do

  • No candles, no fire: Unless you’re roasting marshmallows, skip the ear-candling trend.
  • No pointy objects: Hairpins, paperclips, or anything else you can MacGyver is a no-no.
  • No overcleaning: Your ears are self-cleaning wonders. Let them do their job.

Someone puts ear drops into an ear.

Why Ear Hygiene Matters

Clean ears not only make your hearing aids happy but also prevent infections and improve overall hearing clarity. Plus, you’ll avoid awkward moments when someone notices your “wax situation.”

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Daily Hearing Aid Maintenance Tips

Your hearing aids are like tiny robots working tirelessly to improve your hearing. Show them some love with these daily care tips:

  1. Wipe Them Down Every Night
    A soft cloth and a few seconds are all it takes to remove the day’s wax and grime.
  2. Brush Off the Gunk
    Most hearing aids come with a cleaning brush. Use it to tackle crevices where wax likes to hide.
  3. Let Them Breathe
    Open the battery door at night to let moisture escape. Your hearing aids will thank you.
  4. Keep Them Dry
    Store them in a dehumidifier or drying box, especially if you live in a humid climate or sweat like a marathon runner.
  5. Swap Out Wax Guards
    Wax guards are your hearing aids’ first line of defense. Change them regularly to keep wax from sneaking in.

Common Hearing Aid Problems and Solutions

Hearing aids are incredible devices, but they’re not immune to problems—especially when earwax gets involved. Here’s how to troubleshoot the most common issues.

The Problem Parade

  1. Muffled Sound or No Sound at All
  • Cause: Wax clogging the receiver.
  • Solution: Use your cleaning tool to gently remove the blockage.


  1. Whistling or Feedback
  • Cause: Wax creates sound wave interference.
  • Solution: Check vents and receivers for wax and clean as needed.


  1. Shortened Battery Life
  • Cause: Moisture or wax in the battery compartment.
  • Solution: Open the battery door at night and use a drying kit.


  1. Uncomfortable Fit
  • Cause: Wax buildup altering the fit.
  • Solution: Clean your ears and consult your hearing care provider for adjustments.


  1. Device Malfunction
  • Cause: Wax or moisture damaging internal components.
  • Solution: Schedule a professional repair or maintenance check.

Stay Proactive

Regular cleaning and prompt attention to issues can prevent most hearing aid problems. Think of it as preventive care for your tiny tech companions.


Earwax and Hearing Aid Myths—Busted!

Myths about earwax and hearing aids are as common as “dad jokes.” Let’s bust some of the big ones!

Myth 1: Cotton Swabs Are Safe

Reality: Cotton swabs are wax’s best friend, pushing it deeper into your ear.

Myth 2: All Earwax Is Bad

Reality: Earwax is like Goldilocks—it’s only bad if there’s too much or too little.

Myth 3: Hearing Aids Don’t Need Cleaning

Reality: Hearing aids are wax magnets. Regular cleaning is non-negotiable.

Myth 4: You Can DIY Wax Removal

Reality: Unless you moonlight as a hearing care provider, leave it to the pros.

Why Myth-Busting Matters

Understanding the truth about earwax and hearing aids keeps your devices running smoothly and your ears safe. Plus, you’ll have fun debunking bad advice at parties!

Friends toast at a bar.

Take Control of Your Hearing Health

Earwax doesn’t have to be your nemesis. With the proper care for your ears and hearing aids, you can enjoy crystal-clear hearing without the drama.

Ready to keep your hearing aids in top shape? Contact Injoy Hearing today for expert advice and solutions!



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