How Do Hearing Aids Work?
Explaining hearing aids
Of all the things you could possibly stick in your ear, hearing aids are undoubtedly the most useful. Not only are they a cool piece of technology, they actively improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world. But you, being the inquisitive type that you are, might be wondering how hearing aids actually work. Allow Injoy to explain!

How to choose the right one
Many types of hearing aids exist. So which is best for you? Find out what to consider when choosing a hearing aid.
Maybe you’ve thought about hearing aids but have some concerns. Is this going to be an eyesore? Will it even help? It may help ease your concerns to know more about:
- The hearing aid options available to you
- What to look for when buying a hearing aid
- How to get used to a hearing aid
Hearing aids can’t restore normal hearing. They can improve your hearing by amplifying sounds that you’ve had trouble hearing.
How hearing aids work
All hearing aids use the same basic parts to carry sounds from the environment into your ear, making them louder. Most hearing aids are digital, and all are powered with a traditional hearing aid battery or a rechargeable battery.
Small microphones collect sounds from the environment. A computer chip with an amplifier converts the incoming sound into digital code. It analyzes and adjusts the sound based on your hearing loss, listening needs, and the level of the sounds around you. The amplified signals are then converted back into sound waves and delivered to your ears through speakers, sometimes called receivers.

Hearing aid styles
Hearing aids vary a great deal in price, size, special features, and the way they’re placed in your ear. Injoy instruments feature the latest and most popular style that is dominant in hearing aids today: receiver in the canal (RIC) or receiver in the ear (RITE). This style of hearing aid has gained market share due to several factors:
- Having the receiver inside your ear, close to your eardrum provides superior sound quality.
- The small size and position of the Injoy instruments provide a discrete solution.
- The open fit nature of these hearing aids allows the instruments to amplify sounds where you need help while allowing the sounds not needing amplification to flow naturally into your ear.
- Not big and clunky.
- No obvious objects inside your ear like many of the old-fashioned in-the-ear hearing aids.
- No occlusion. Older in-the-ear hearing aids blocked the ear canal so that all sounds passed through an electronic processor. This was a shortcoming of older, in-the-ear hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Features
Want even more customization with your hearing aid? There are other features that improve your ability to hear in specific situations. Many lower-priced instruments lack some or many of these performance-enhancing features. Injoy instruments include:
Noise reduction capabilities vary widely between hearing aids. Some also offer wind noise reduction. Injoy instruments feature the latest noise reduction algorithms to provide the best possible performance.
These are aligned on the hearing aid to bring an improved pickup of sounds coming from in front of you. They can also be used for some reduction of sounds coming from behind or beside you. Some hearing aids are capable of focusing in one direction. Directional microphones can improve your ability to hear when you’re in an environment with a lot of background noise.
Some hearing aids have rechargeable batteries. This can make maintenance easier for you by eliminating the need to regularly change the battery.
Increasingly, hearing aids can wirelessly interface with certain Bluetooth-compatible devices. These include cellphones, music players, computers, and televisions. Injoy instruments feature industry-leading connectivity – with flexible, two-way, universal bluetooth connectivity. Most of today’s other hearing aids are limited to one-way Bluetooth and many have significant compatibility restrictions. You may need to use an intermediary device to pick up the phone or other signal and send it to the hearing aid.
Some hearing aids come with a remote control or smartphone application, so you can adjust features without touching the hearing aid.Injoy’s smartphone-connected hearing aids allow considerable user adjustments not available with other instruments.
Some hearing aids can store several preprogrammed settings for various listening needs and environments.
For an individual with two hearing aids, the aids can be programmed to function together. This means that adjustments made to a hearing aid on one ear (volume control or program changes) will also be made on the other aid, allowing for simpler control.
Before You Buy
When looking for a hearing aid, explore your options to understand what type of hearing aid will work best for you.
You can usually get a hearing aid with a trial period. It may take you a while to get used to the device and decide if it’s right for you. Have the company put in writing the cost of a trial and determine whether this amount is credited toward the final cost of the hearing aid. Also, be sure to ask how much is refundable if you return the hearing aid during the trial period.
Ask whether the hearing aid you’ve chosen is capable of increased power, so that it will still be useful if your hearing loss gets worse. Hearing aids do not function indefinitely, but they should last around five years.
Make sure the hearing aid includes a warranty that covers parts and labor for a specified period. Some companies may include office visits or professional services in the warranty.
Hearing aids can’t restore normal hearing or eliminate all background noise. Beware of advertisements or dispensers who claim otherwise. They’re almost certainly lying
The cost of hearing aids varies widely — from about $1,500 to more than a few thousand dollars each. Professional fees, remote controls, hearing aid accessories, and other hearing aid options may cost extra. Talk to your Injoy provider about your needs and expectations.
Getting Used to Your Hearing Aid
Getting used to a hearing aid takes time. You’ll likely notice that your listening skills improve gradually as you become accustomed to amplification. Even your own voice sounds different when you wear a hearing aid.
When first using a hearing aid, keep these points in mind:
Hearing aids will never restore your hearing back to “normal”, but with your different listening situations, it makes it a lot easier to hear.
We all wish we could hear better instantaneously by putting something in our ear. But in reality, it takes time to get used to your new hearing aid(s). But the more you use it, the more quickly you’ll adjust to amplified sounds.
Your amplified hearing will sound different in different places. Be sure to wear your aid(s) wherever you go, so your brain can be “trained” to make it easier to hear. When we say everywhere, we mean everywhere. When you attend church services; out to dinner with your friends; and of course, when you go to Sea World (you’ll want to hear the crowd ooh and ahh over the dolphins).
A willingness to practice, along with the support of family and friends, help determine your success with your new hearing aid. You may also consider joining a support group for people who have hearing loss or are new to hearing aids.
Injoy includes follow-up visits in the price of our hearing aids. It’s a good idea to take advantage of this for any adjustments and to ensure that your new hearing aids are working for you as well as it can.
You’ll have better success with your hearing aids if you take care of them and wear them frequently. The goal is that, in time, you’ll grow more and more comfortable, which will enhance your ability to hear and communicate.
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Injoy specializes in crafting custom Phonak hearing aid solutions tailored to the unique hearing needs of our patients. With a team recognized as the best in the business and decades of experience in helping people nationwide, we’re dedicated to improving your hearing and, consequently, enhancing your quality of life.
To start your journey towards better hearing with confidence, Injoy is proud to offer a 30-day risk-free hearing aid trial. This allows you to experience the difference our Phonak hearing aids can make, ensuring they meet your expectations and fit your lifestyle perfectly.
Improve your hearing and improve your life today by contacting Injoy to learn more about our risk-free trial!